You are the chosen ONE!

To bring an impact on our society

Be one of our Supporter and Contributor.

Pandai helped 611,318 Malaysian students practise and complete 231,270,127 questions since January 2020

Let’s be part of us

Your support might give a huge impact to our society.

  • To complement your existing CSR education project.
  • To manage CSR project on behalf of your company.
  • Help the community, build your image.
  • To provide Pandai premium access for your employee's children.
  • To support working parents in monitoring their children learning process.
  • To provide access for employee's empowerment.
  • To integrate your product or services within our app.
  • To install special dashboard for your decision making.
  • To increase your product or services exposure.
  • To find mutual benefits for involved parties.
  • To look for further opportunities between parties.

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